

A brief introduction to what sustainability goals are important for Anteo in the development of the aquaculture industry and other maritime industries. Including how our solutions support the relevant goals.

Industry, Innovation and Infrastructures

“Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation”.

Norway supplies the world with quality seafood from the sea, which is why it is important to have an efficient and sustainable transport infrastructure. Anteo's mapping system helps improve offshore infrastructure. The mapping system makes it easy to choose the most optimal route for the vessel based on the type of mission, disease zones and customer requirements. The map system thus ensures more efficient transport along our coast. Avoid taking toll trips or driving into disease zones where the vessel risks quarantine time. Time and resources saved on good planning and efficient driving are good for the environment, customer and operators. The map also includes all aquaculture related businesses and resources along the coast.

Responsible consumption and production

“Ensuring sustainable consumption and production patterns”

To ensure sustainable production and responsible consumption in the aquaculture industry, one must have solutions that actively work for this throughout the value chain.
Through our Anteo Logifish solution, we streamline processes and logistics planning to avoid unnecessary and frequent deliveries. Anteo Logifish handles logistics related to cargo and slaughter plans as well as documentation related to the transport of feed, fish, silage and other biological material. Take the trip first when necessary and save time, money and resources. Good for the environment, the customer and the operators.

Anteo Logifish is used as a cross-party platform in a logistics context. In the System, you can create assignments directly or based on customer needs and update vessels with information quickly and easily.
The system can be used as a communication tool between supplier and recipient. The vessel can report where they are heading, what they are carrying and how much they are carrying in dialogue with the recipient. The communication allows the recipient and supplier to maintain contact and obtain data in real time at all times.

The receiving location may submit practical information that it is desirable for the vessel to have in advance of a mission.
Such information may include, for example, where the vessel is to dock, which side the diesel filling is on and where the silos are located. The locality can also record feed quantities, type of feed and which silo the feed is going to in the digital system. When the vessel arrives at the site, the employees of both parties will already know everything they need through the common communication platform.

Life below water

“Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development”

Actors in the aquaculture industry have a special responsibility when it comes to protecting marine life. This is also something Anteo takes seriously. We are committed to taking care of life underwater, and of course this does not only apply to farmed fish. In our Karttool, we have a strong focus on biosafety and therefore the system ensures continuous import and presentation from well boats, feed boats and silage boats regarding open/closed/semi-closed traffic. The mapping tool is always up-to-date with the latest government data for disease zones so that vessels can avoid running into infection zones/zones to further drive into a disease-free zone and spread the infection to disease-free zones.

Our FishCtrl system provides fast and precise recording of welfare indicators in fish. The system makes it possible to obtain statistics over time so that it is easier to carry out preventive fish health work. During deworming, data is sent in real time so that the process can be regulated for the benefit of the welfare of the fish. If treatment is too harsh, it is changed to avoid increased mortality and injuries in the aftermath of a treatment. Preventive fish health work is very important to reduce mortality and take care of marine life. Systems such as this improve fish welfare, reduce mortality and promote sustainable development of the industry.

Partnerships for the goals

“Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development”

In order to succeed in sustainable growth in the aquaculture industry, the different actors need to become better at working together. Anteo cooperates with industry to develop good and useful technology, but also to streamline processes and access to data. Our systems are largely user-driven where users from the industry can give direct feedback on what they want/do not want the systems to contain and are always up to date with the latest industry standards. We also facilitate the incorporation of our solutions with third-party systems so that in more cases customers can continue to use systems and suppliers they already have agreements with.